I introduce to you one of the most outstanding web sites on the Internet:
Matter of fact, you will find on eBay quite a few items that can be treated as plagiarism or piracy of Ion Saliu's systems and software. The watchdogs at eBay already (and promptly!) solved one case of plagiarism of one of Ion Saliu creations (a pick-3 lottery system)! Read how the case started:
Your Fundamental Formula of Gambling on eBay.
My Super Roulette Strategy was also pirated on eBay. That piracy defied the lowest of human thickness. The pirate plagiarized me roulette page word by word, including words I created! For example, I named a fictitious roulette system Osaisai Wusu (MethodoLogical Roulette Master)! Another gambling system of mine was flagrantly pirated by an Australian gambling and casino group (GuaranteedWinner.com).
August 26, 2009 - The Australian roulette pirates got really scared by the Law! They announce at their website that they decided to stop selling their roulette system and roulette computers. They already sent emails to their customers on the decision to cease selling the pirate version of one of my roulette systems. Guess how the cheated roulette customers will react!
Do a lotto/lottery software/systems google: You get over one million results! When I started the lottery software, there were only a handful of titles available. I started the true lotto software revolution. The theory and the lottery software are totally founded on mathematics, as everything else in the Universe. Nothing escapes the rule of Mathematics, not even the gods.
Search now eBay on lotto/lottery/gambling software/systems. You always get a couple of hundred entries (listings). Alas, the entries are for a fee! Tragedy is, those systems are more often than not acts of piracy and/or plagiarism. Before you pay that hard-earned greenbacks of yours, do a simple search. Use two or three relevant keywords on Google or Yahoo. The search engines will direct you to the true source. Take it as a gift. You are welcome!
Please do not make the big mistake to think that by getting my gift you saved money; therefore, don't be tempted to spend the money you saved by buying the dolls of piracy. If you still fell to the sin of curiosity, please let me know. I want to know about the piracy. You might be entitled to a refund from the pirate. Some law enforcement agencies are really tough on such issues. Also, you might want to file complaints directly with eBay.
The content of the huge website is organized in several categories. We list here only the categories of interest to eBay members. It is the best method of fighting plagiarism and piracy. Check the following resources first, or soon after you bought that "system" that promised to you 100% winning!
I. Resources in Probability Theory, Mathematics, Statistics, Combinatorics
II. Resources in Blackjack, Baccarat: Mathematics, Basic Strategy
III. Resources in Lotto, Lottery: Theory, Mathematics, Software, Systems
IV. Resources in Roulette, Super Roulette Strategy
V. Resources in Horse Racing, Software, Systems, Tips, Bets
VI. Resources in Sports Betting, Mathematics, Excel Spreadsheets
1. Resources in Theory of Probability, Mathematics, Statistics, Combinatorics
Lists the main pages and links to the best in theory of probability, combinatorics, statistics, mathematics. The very original formulas and theories are always backed by specific computer software programs.
2. Resources in Blackjack, Baccarat: Theory, Mathematics, Basic Strategy
Lists the main pages and links to the best blackjack, baccarat, software, systems, and strategies. It's all about winning blackjack, baccarat systems, including the famed Basic Strategy.
Of major interest: Blackjack, Black Jack: Basic Strategy, Card Counting; Charts, Tables, Probability, Odds, Software.
3. Resources in Lotto, Lottery: Theory, Mathematics, Software
Lists the main pages and links to the best lottery, lotto, software, systems, and wheels. It's all about winning lotto, lottery systems, including for pick lotteries, Powerball, Mega Millions, Euromillions and Keno.
4. Resources in Roulette: Theory, Mathematics, Super Roulette Strategy
Lists the main pages and links to the best roulette, software, systems, and strategies. It's all about winning roulette systems, including the famed Super Roulette Strategy.
5. Resources in Horse Racing: Theory, Mathematics, Software
Lists the main pages and links to the best horse racing, software, systems, and strategies. It's all about winning horse racing systems, including the generating of trifectas.
6. Resources in Sports Betting: Theory, Mathematics, Excel Spreadsheet
Lists the main pages and links to the best sports betting, software, systems, and strategies. It's all about winning sport bet systems, including the generating of team combinations and parlays, plus 1x2 pronostici (toto calcio).
• New resources, new software, new programs: They are always announced on the Software Download page, in a special Update section.
• New pages, new articles, essays, etc.: They are always introduced via the New Writings, Pages portal.
Read Ion Saliu's first book in print: Probability Theory, Live!
~ Founded on valuable mathematical discoveries with a wide range of scientific applications, including probability theory leading to mathematical systems for casino gambling, lottery, horseracing, sports betting, blackjack, roulette ... learn how to avoid scams ...
Back to domain index: Casino Gambling: Systems, Software, Gambling Mathematics, Probability Theory.