First captured by the WayBack Machine ( on June 16, 2008.
Some of such outrageous roulette systems had a starting point in my own Fundamental Formula of Gambling (known as FFG). All those insanely expensive roulette and gambling systems appeared years after I released and analyzed in detail FFG. They even coined a fake term: Law of the third to mask the true source (FFG). In truth, the law of the third is sometimes used in mathematics as loose reference to the divine proportion. It is inaccurately assessed that the divine ratio divides a segment in two parts: Two thirds and one third of the entire entity. Actually, the two numbers that are known as the divine proportion are: 0.618 and 1.618. Not too close to thirds! Read about the true mathematics of appearance and non-appearance: Probability Theory, Ion Saliu's Paradox. The division tends to .63 and .37 for millions and trillions of trials... up to infinity and thereafter...
On the other hand, the Fundamental Formula of Gambling (FFG) is totally FREE! Any gambler can understand it and derive gambling systems from it. It is all about three fundamental elements:
~ individual probability, p
~ number of trials, N
~ degree of certainty, DC that the event of probability p will appear within a number of trials, N.
It should be obvious to anybody that the degree of certainty is directly proportionate to the number of trials — while the probability is always constant. Yes, it seems that one must wait forever for a roulette number to come up. It takes, sometimes, over 200 spins for a roulette number to finally show up! But FFG is a lot more than that.
For starters, a roulette number tends to repeat after a number of spins less than or equal to the FFG median (25 spins for single-zero, or 26 spins for 00-wheels). You will see a real-life case (Hamburg Spielbank, Germany) proving FFG — about 51% of the roulette numbers repeated within 25 spins.
Please bear with me on this one. It is a form of healthy suspicion backed by more than a decade of experience. The casinos pay troubled individuals to intimidate intelligent system authors in order to eliminate serious financial losses caused by intelligent system players. Moreover, the casinos pay their own agents to develop so-called "gambling systems". “You players want gambling systems? Well, we'll give you gambling systems! You, players, sez that the more expensive the better? We'll give you very expensive gambling systems as well!”
Look also at one aspect of those outrageously expensive roulette systems. They intentionally make the so-called favorable conditions come to life very rarely. Such winning conditions might not take place even playing the roulette for days uninterrupted! But the whole point is that you must be a gambling high roller if you paid thousands of dollars for a gambling system! Therefore you must possess huge amounts of money. If you are seated at the roulette table, you must play every spin — or else you risk losing your seat! See my point? The high roller will p(l)ay, with big bets, each and every roulette spin — while waiting for the roulette system conditions come to life!
The casinos even sponsor forums and websites! The main goal of the casinos is to discredit any idea of a winning gambling system based on mathematics. An even stronger measure taken by them casinos is to intimidate the authors of such mathematical gambling systems. I, Ion Saliu, a.k.a. Parpaluck, s.k.a. JAQK Fowuru, became the main target in a few years. Probably I remain the only target these days...
Most of such forums and sites dedicated to “winning roulette and gambling systems” go extinct by the day... by the year! The deceptively sponsored websites have lost their effectiveness almost completely. They did have some success earlier, in the late 1990s and early 2000s. Many Web surfers with an interest in roulette and casino gambling took seriously the warnings by the casinos and bought also the deceptively created roulette systems! Not anymore! Most Internet visitors figured out the “casino conspiracy”! Yup... that's the most accurate term... casino conspiracy!
The kasinos have targeted me for more than a decade now (in 2008). Things did not work out as expected by the casinos. Right now, they resort to brute force. You are a Saliu-system gambler? They ban you, especially if you use a notebook and write down roulette spins, or blackjack hands, etc.
In Atlantic City, the law prohibits denial of service to a patron (customer) regardless of reason. The casinos employ a tricky practice to a guy like me. “Wanna play roulette, Mr. Ion? There is no place for you!” Big guys (like former football linemen) make an impenetrable cordon around the roulette table.
“Wanna play blackjack, Mr. Parpaluck?” The dealer and the pit boss start lengthy discussions, while totally neglecting the game at the table. The other players are ignored. The other blackjack players realize who the culprit is. They turn their hostility towards yours truly! It is a very effective practice by the casinos: It is absolutely free money-wise and risk-free legally!
As soon as I publish an article as this one, they react in a hurry! For a week now, I have noticed an undeniable form of hack-attack. Pages of interest at my site show errors in the range of 100-300 each — daily. The pages are there, so the html 404 error is out of discussion.
Most pages at my site do not trigger one single error in a month. But look at the target pages. They deal with casinos, online casinos, roulette and gambling systems. I offer strong but founded opinions against online gambling, the deception and hostility of online and also physical casinos, deceptive and fraudulent roulette systems, gambling systems, the hostility of the so-called system developers/authors/vendors, etc. The new attacks seem very well coordinated. They are launched from a number of networks with well-hidden tracks ("You can run, but you can't hide!") The attacks are conducted automatically by running scripts to access by web pages continuously. They badly want my site out, or, at least, down!
August 26, 2009 - The Australian roulette pirates got really scared by the Law! They announce at their website that they decided to stop selling their roulette system and roulette computers. They already sent emails to their customers on the decision to cease selling pirate versions of my roulette systems. Guess how the deceived roulette customers will react!
This roulette system is now a powerhouse. The original roulette system based on which wheel-half the ball landed in includes now wheel layout forms to quickly and accurately apply the system inside a casino. Read here full details:
• Here is a long list of roulette systems saved for future reference. I can't believe how much fraud there is in the gambling world! I am suspicious and say it again: Only the casinos would be so fiercely aggressive and sell roulette and gambling systems priced from US $5000 (five thousand) to US $40000 (forty thousand)! No individual gambling system developer would be thus fearless and dare to sell such outrageously priced systems! It could be deadly for him!
At the end of the list, you can read a thorough analysis of one of the better roulette systems (has some relation to the famed Fundamental Formula of Gambling).
10,000 WeekRoulette.pdf
FULLTRIO.pdf How to Win at Roulette Guaranteed
(directly pirating one of my roulette systems based on wheel halves or hemispheres)
Let's look at one of... the better systems in that collection. It has some mathematical basis. The system is related to my Fundamental Formula of Gambling (FFG) and the mathematics of skips. The skip is simply the number of roulette spins that a number did not show up. Individual roulette numbers can skip (miss), at times, over 200 spins, even more than 300 spins! But groups of roulette numbers have lower skips that come closer to the theoretical skips (or misses). In other words, if you choose a group of 6 roulette numbers, the degree of certainty is very low that all 6 numbers will have very long skips (or large gaps between hits).
Here is the basis of that roulette system included in that "famous" list of roulette systems.
On the scorecard provided you are going to begin the process of keep score. You will always be betting on the same six numbers so really, it becomes the amount you bet, and when you leave the spins sequence that you need to be concerned about.
For the most part you will only be making a 1 unit bet on each the six numbers. We prefer that you play the Euro wheel, but if you don't have one the American wheel will suffice. It does use a slightly different set of numbers.
The numbers for 0 Roulette are: 7, 11, 19, 20, 25, 28
The numbers for 00 Roulette are: 7, 11, 15, 19, 25, 30
I will tell you that we have had many students that commented that they ran our method with their favorite 6 number combinations and it worked as well.
We would prefer however, that you use the numbers specified, as they consistently have shown a strong ability to repeat.
Those two sets of roulette numbers are arbitrary, although the system authors make-believe those are... magic numbers!
I did a thorough test of roulette number frequency by running my gambling probability software FrequencyRank. I analyzed 7990 real roulette spins provided by Hamburg Spielbank (Hamburg Casino, Germany). 7990 is equivalent to 216 times total possible outcomes at the single-zero roulette table. A short reference here to Ion Saliu's Paradox of N Trials.
If an event has a probability calculated as 1 / N, then we can establish what is known as the law of large numbers. If we perform a number of trials equal to N times 50, the degree of certainty is extremely high that the event will occur. My analysis went way beyond that: It was N times 216 (N * 216)… Kokodrilo (i.e. big-time gambler), my analysis went way, way beyond reasonable doubt!
But there is no mathematical formula to calculate the famous long run. Still, N * 50 has never disappointed me in my analyses. Thus, in the case of roulette, long-run = 37 (or 38) * 50 = 1850 (or 1900) spins. In pick-3 lottery, long-run = 1000 * 50 = 50,000 drawings. I haven't seen or heard of a pick-3 straight set skipping 50,000 drawings. 6000 draws is the largest figure I've heard of. The Hamburg Spielbank data file shows the highest skips as: 304, 344, 352 spins. A far-cry from that limit close to 2000!
I came with the figure of long-run = N * 50 thanks to my computer programming. I ran my great probability software known as SuperFormula all over the world. I tried to calculate de degree of certainty DC for N = 50 times the probability p. The personal computers do not have sufficient capabilities to calculate the entire floating-point number. The software always gives the results as DC = 100%. Of course, that's a mathematical absurdity as there is no absolute certainty in the entire Universe. Please read:
In that real-life case of Hamburg Spielbank, the 6 “magic numbers” would have made a small profit of 408 betting units.
For a 0 roulette wheel, the "magic" numbers are:
7 11 19 20 25 28 (they appear in red in the statistical report).
7 = rank 23
Total hits: 1343
For a 5 Euro minimum bet, the profit translates to some 2000 Euros in one month. Provided that, of course, one team would have played each and every spin, day and night.
For one individual player, playing 100 spins every day, at the same table, would take 80 days to reach 8000 total spins.
It ain't easy by any stretch to be a professional roulette player! Amen!
View and/or download the real-life casino report freely:
The Roulette Numbers Ranked by Frequency
File: HAMB0106.WH1 (Hamburg Casino, Table #1,
entire month of January 2006)
Range of analysis: 7990 spins
Frequency norm based on probability: 2.70%
Rank Number Hits Percentage
1 11 258 3.23%
2 24 239 2.99%
3 5 238 2.98%
4 27 232 2.90%
5 14 231 2.89%
6 28 231 2.89%
7 29 228 2.85%
8 4 226 2.83%
9 19 223 2.79%
10 33 222 2.78%
11 32 221 2.77%
12 13 221 2.77%
13 35 220 2.75%
14 17 219 2.74%
15 25 219 2.74%
16 1 219 2.74%
17 23 219 2.74%
18 30 218 2.73%
19 21 218 2.73%
20 22 216 2.70%
21 0 215 2.69%
22 15 214 2.68%
23 7 213 2.67%
24 6 212 2.65%
25 10 211 2.64%
26 8 210 2.63%
27 12 207 2.59%
28 2 205 2.57%
29 34 204 2.55%
30 18 204 2.55%
31 26 203 2.54%
32 9 199 2.49%
33 20 199 2.49%
34 31 197 2.47%
35 36 194 2.43%
36 16 193 2.42%
37 3 192 2.40%
11 = rank 1 (bravo!)
19 = rank 9
20 = rank 33
25 = rank 15
28 = rank 6
Winnings: 1343 * 36 = 48,348 bet units
Total cost: 6 * 7990 = 47,940 units.
Roulette Favorite Numbers, Best Roulette Numbers, or Play Singles.
The probability of AT LEAST 1 successes in 6 trials
for an event of individual probability p = .51 is:
LP = .986158712799
or 98.61587128%
No roulette number has a magic property. It is the number of trials (spins) in correlation with the degree of certainty that make some roulette numbers better to play in the short run.
Undoubtedly, there is also bias, as the roulette wheels wear out after a long period in service. In this particular case, the wheel at roulette table #1 in Hamburg Casino was badly biased. For example, the roulette #11 beat the norm by about 20%! I published a few reports, and the casino closed the table soon thereafter!
By contrast, even a +20% bias in lottery will still lead to a loss due to the monstrous house edge the lottery enjoys (at least 50%). Read a thorough analysis: Lottery Numbers: Loss, Cost, Drawings, House Advantage.
Okay, okay. We all are curious, kokodrilo (title of gambling nobility for big-time gambler), aren't we? You still want to read those "roulette systems"? (I know, because I have received plenty of requests!) I warned you, most of them "roulette systems" represent big-time garbage. Some prices are so outrageously high that you might think they are acts of insanity!
Furthermore, I let you see my analysis of one of the better systems, a roulette system with some mathematical foundation (FFG). But, in the end, you were asked to pay 5000 US dollars to simply play 6 arbitrarily chosen roulette numbers. Yes, my roulette systems are on that list too. But you don't have to pay anything to read and study them. They are all over the Internet.
An Australian casino gambling group behind the website named already sells a $2,500 roulette system. Their advertising logo reads (in a picture): We consider which HALF of the wheel the ball landed in.
Read more on insanity and piracy (like a police TV drama): Pirates, Haters, Jealousy Attackers.
Resources in Roulette: Theory, Mathematics, Software